It's simply annoying with that circle. But if it's these that cause it, that's a serious issue. 1 Types 2. Aux Power Config - Offense. The fleet consists of drone-craft exclusively. Captain Specialization: Primary: Intel or Temporal Operative? Secondary: Strategist . ET1/2 - a very strong instant hull heal with some good cleanses, on a 15 second cooldown with bridge officers. Here's some thoughts for you, in order: 180* arc is useful in my opinion and I didn't want a weapon power drain of 7 beams + a KCB. If you have access to the Temporal Negotiator from previous Temporal Recruit events, use it instead of the Subspace Field Modulator. Warp Core: Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core Shields: Klingon Honor Guard Mk X Devices. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II") In 2369. If you have access to the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array, use it insead of one front-mounted Phaser Beam Array. | 3 [Battery - Exotic Particle Flood] | Exotic buff. The Adapted Emergency console is a good one, it's up to you whether or not you want to get it. subspace field modulator - A ship item in STO that reduces damage and grants damage resistance when used. Subspace Field Modulator Kobiyashi Maru Transponder 1 pet 2 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Swarmer Matrix Epic 5 pets Console - Universal - Aceton Assimilator Epic 1 pet 5 Science Consoles. Active Reputation Traits Effects Notes; Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. 10% Exotic damage and 10% hull and shield healing. Console - Universal - Aligned Antiproton Shielding; Console - Engineering - RCS Accelerator;. That's when the Iso Charge, Subspace Rupture and Torp Spread 3 come into play to really make a mess of things. Cryptodrop the red matter capacitor for the subspace field modulator and then idk what to do about the terran task force disruptor but i would prefer you just commit to plasmas whole hog and use the vulnerability locators to plasma. Subspace Field Modulator : r/sto • by Maltuschi View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Subspace Field Modulator Hi, i have a question is there any way to get the Subspace Field Modulater on PC nowdays? I got it on my oldest account, but the mission i got it from seams to have dissapeared. The [Subspace Field Modulator] is a rare re-usable Ship Device which temporarily increases the player's damage resistance rating (DRM) against energy weapon damage, while dramatically decreasing the player's resistance to proton damage. 4 x. Hit Brace for Impact, Subspace Field Modulator and stuff and wait till they're done spamming tachyon beam before you start healing your shields. CryptoSlot Component Notes; Fore Weapons: Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XIII [CrtD] [Dmg]x2 Ultra RareIt's done 240k in a Left-to-Right ISA, 200k HSE Left-Right and Center-Mass style, and a 200k CCA. Subspace Field Modulator I prefer the on-demand DRR and defense boost over Exotic Flood. When the TV is tuned to the programmed channel, the signal of the source device is accessed. Console - Universal - Reinforcing Squadrons; Console - Engineering - Reinforced Armaments from New Frontiers mission "Beyond the Nexus" Console - Engineering - Trellium-D Plating from Future Proof mission "Ragnarok"Subspace Field Modulator 2 Engineering Consoles Altamid Modified Swarm Processor Mk XV Epic Console - Universal - Hull Image Refractors Mk XV Epic. The Krenim Science Vessel's console is part of the T6 Odyssey console set and is typically the one used with the Flagship and Adapted Emergency consoles. 2. I'm wanting to do a cannon build. Use a Nausicaan or Potato as Science Officer with pirate trait to enhance your DPS further ( Bridge Officer powers important stuff !! ) . 3 pieces will give 10% Crit Chance to Photons, +10 Crit. Subspace Field Modulator. If you have access to the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array, use it insead of one front-mounted Phaser Beam Array. Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field III 15: Control Resistance 17: Auxiliary Power to Inertial Dampers III 20. Subspace Field Modulator from the "Skirmish" mission. Console - Universal - Cloaking Device; Console - Engineering - Quantum Warhead Module; Console - Engineering - Reinforced Armaments from New Frontiers mission "Beyond the Nexus. Engineering Consoles. The ship focuses on using Gravity Well and Subspace Vortex for AOE damage. Getting a DOff which extends Battery preformance is nice but not required. N/A. The Valdore console [Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator] and specialized Laeosa console [Console - Universal - Tachyon Particle Field Emitter] provide a bulk of the shield healing available on this ship. 4 all power settings (25% more effective in Breen ship = -63 all power) Warp Core | Cryoplasma-Infused Warp Core Mk XII very rare | Breen Absolute Zero [¾] Shields | Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields Mk XII very rare | Breen Absolute Zero [¾] Devices | Shield Battery – Large | | Nukara Web Breaker | | Subspace. That's certainly a good concern, but the total drain on your system would be 5 beams and a KCB. Each stack of Honored Dead grants +20 All Damage Resistance Rating and +2% Hull Regeneration (max 20 stacks, infinite duration). This takes us to bridge officer abilities. Subspace Field Modulator Nimbus Pirate Distress Call 2 Engineering Consoles Console - Engineering - SIF Generator Mk XV Very Rare Console - Engineering - Ablative Hull Armor Mk XII Very Rare 5 Science Consoles. Then I have prototype ablative jevonite hardpoints in my inventory along with the four different distress beacons, as those don't need to be equipped in order to use them. The Subspace Field Modulator is occasionally useful, and I know a lot of people swear by Reactive Armor Catalysts - but for me, the Energy Amplifier is all that really matters. VR. Use the internal sensors to scan for Triolic Waves. Subspace Field Modulator : r/sto • by Maltuschi View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Subspace Field Modulator Hi, i have a question is there. She's a time AND dimension federation officer. For the Sci replacement maybe Assimilated from the Borg. This setup is designed to be survivable enough for Pug queues, and fast enough to keep up with a premade group. I know you don't need the other, because on a Drake or A2Battery setup you can cycle two different EPtX powers forever. If you've got feedback, I'm all ears!Shields | Adapted MACO Covariant Shield Array Mk XII | Hate this shield, but it's needed for the 2-piece Devices | Subspace Field Modulator | | Red Matter Capacitor | Engineering Console | Singularity Stabilizer | T'varo console -- Re-enables Singularity power meter, gain 2 Singularity power every second for 15 sec Science Console | Plasma. Subspace Field Modulator from mission Skirmish is a good oh shit button. M. This affects: Destablized Proton Beam Protonic Shielding Shield Inversion. Move the 8472 Tac console to replace a Photon console and put a Dis one back in. +15% all energy weapon damage to all allies with 8 km, stacks 3 time per set in use. The Subspace Field Modulator from Skirmish is still a popular "oh shit" button and. Put in a RnD Battery for energy weapons and a Deuterium Surplus or Reactive Armor Catalyst or Subspace Field Modulator. Give Your All. The only thing the subspace field modulator does is give a 34 Energy damage resistance buff, a -400 Proton damage resistance buff (irrelevant, no npcs use proton damage), and 15% Defense. Hello. Allow the Space Defense Agency to operate on your space port for improved local subspace defense. U. This is my current build with the Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser. " Science. When you approach it, you are told you're missing "some kind of arcane orb". Subspace Field Modulator Not got much else to put here, bit of defenses Red Matter Capacitor Gives +25 all power levels, not terrible Deuterium Surplus Helps me go zoom 2 Engineering Consoles. Build Description. In the earliest Ten Forward articles I've made an attempt to kill the myth that Career locks a player down into certain roles, and I'm just. Description. Other useful devices are the Subspace Field Modulator (an ok 'Oh shit' button) from mission Skirmish, Deuterium Surplus (a consumable Evasive Maneuvers) from the Alhena system daily (can get 4 per day), and Reactive Armor Catalysts (a consumable heal over time) from mission Broken Circle. There is an unmarked enchanter's font in Drowned Port. Energy Amps, Kinetic Amps, Exotic Particle Floods, Deuterium Surplus, Reactive Armor Catalysts, Subspace Field Modulator. 1/1. Epic Prolonged Engagement Power Dynamo Epic Quantum Phase Converter Mk XV Epic 5 Science Consoles Timeline. Subspace Field Modulator from the "Skirmish" mission. Business, Economics, and Finance. Inelastic Collisions. It’s simply annoying with that circle. Replace one aft-mounted Phaser Beam Array with a crafted Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array. Posted by u/majorkurn - 2 votes and 3 commentsSubspace Field Modulator On demand damage resistance | Reactive Armor Catalyst | Total heal is about half of Miracle Worker plus some temp HP; for when Miracle Worker is on CD | Kinetic Amplifier Battery | For Max Deeps Alpha Strike. Console Name. Subspace Field Modulator Red Matter Capacitor Shields Battery Weapons Battery 4 Engineering Consoles Console - Engineering - Conductive RCS Accelerator Mk XV Epic Console - Universal - Ablative Hazard. One might also consider swapping out Polarize Hull for something like Structural Analysis. Also replace one Locator with Lorca's Custom Fire Controls, the 2pc makes it much stronger than a Locator. The above are the real bread and butter of STO space devices. 1. Is the Subspace Field Modulator gone for new toons? One of the basic devices that I use in almost every build is the Subspace Field Modulator that was a reward in the. Improves Attack Pattern Delta so when the target of your Attack Pattern Delta is hit, the target gains bonus Critical Chance and Critical Severity. Crypto Polaric Modulator This provides flight speed, turn rate and engine power boost Reinforced armaments This completes the 2pc for speed tweaks ----- ----- ----- Science Consoles: 3 Timeline stabilizer field provides a cooldown reduction on gravity well, tractor beam and photonic officer This is an update to my original Pet Insanity Build. At ET2, it can easially reach 11-13k, which is very noticeable. 1. Subspace Field Modulator Common Deuterium Surplus Common Kinetic Amplifier Rare Engineering Console: Console - Universal - Dynamic Tactical System Mk XIV Epic Console - Universal - Proton Particle Stabilizer Mk XIV Ultra RareShields | Adapted M. Tier 4 Science Vessel (typical) – Control/drain build. F. 4 all power settings (25% more effective in Breen ship = -63 all power) Warp Core | Cryoplasma-Infused Warp Core Mk XII very rare | Breen Absolute Zero [¾] Shields | Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields Mk XII very rare | Breen Absolute Zero [¾] Devices | Shield Battery – Large | | Nukara Web Breaker | | Subspace. EDIT:. Just stick to the various rep & fleet shields and you'll be fine. Reduce all BOff abilities by 1/2, 5 min recharge time (Delta Recruit), Equipped on Shuttle | Subspace. Console - Universal - Nadeon. While at 20 stacks of Honored Dead, additional triggers instead grant 10,000 Temporary Hit Points for up to 40 sec. Tanking with T6-X Cardassian Ghemor Intel Flight Deck Carrier. If you have access to the Temporal Negotiator from previous Temporal Recruit events, use it instead of the Subspace Field Modulator. Shield penetration and drains help, as Vaadwaur have generally strong shields. The effect can be stacked, so multiple consoles of the same type can be used. It is very science/temporal heavy. 9972) and low insertion loss (IL = 0. Science Consoles: 5 Exotic Field Exciter Mk XV UR ShReg, Crafted Disruption Pulse Emitter EPG, CtrlX, Clicky power Exotic Particle Focuser Mk XV UR. Warp: (rare) Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XI [Rep] [W->E] [SSS] Shields: Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array Mk XI Aft: (very rare) 4 Disruptor Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] [CrtD] [CrtH] Devices: Subspace Field Modulator Engineering Consoles: (rare) 3 RCS Accelerator Mk XI Saucer Separation Science Consoles: (rare) Particle Generator Mk X Nimbus Pirate Distress Call • Non-combat pets • Red Matter Capacitor • Subspace Field Modulator • Temporal Negotiator• Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon: Consoles: Regular: Engineering Consoles • Science Consoles • Tactical Consoles • Universal Consoles: Fleet: Devices = Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator Consoles: Phaser Dispersal Relay, Tachyon Induction Relay, 2 Neutronium Armor, Borg Assimilated Universal Module, Field Generator, 4 Phaser Relays. ConsolesUpdate: I replaced Subspace Vortex III with Tachyon Beam, and replaced Improved Critical Systems and Radiant Nanite Cloud with the All Hands on Deck and Improved Tachyon Beam traits from the Command Battlecruisers. Drop the large weapons bat and RMC. Subspace Field Modulator Kobiyashi Maru Transponder 1 pet 2 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Swarmer Matrix Epic. The intent was to provide him with a powerful and diverse set of builds that would show off the ships strengths and flexibility while being relatively simple to use, both for his ease in flying. Replace Bajor Defense Hyper-Impulse Engines with Prevailing Fortified Impulse Engines from Competitive Wargames Tier III. Subspace Vortex III Gravity Well III. Target of shield heals gains 99% damage reduction to shields for 1. Subspace Field Modulator Red Matter Capacitor Peregrine Fighters 2 Engineering Consoles Dynamic Power Redistributor Module Epic Disruption. Drop sustaint radiant field and get the Assimilated Console for critchance / critseverity and weaponspower . Replace one aft-mounted Disruptor Beam Array with a crafted Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array. Business, Economics, and Finance. Device Slot 1 Rare Subspace Field Modulator Engineering Console 1 Epic Console - Universal - Ablative Hazard Shielding Engineering Console 2 Epic Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech infin Engineering Console 3 Very Rare Console - Engineering - Reinforced Armaments Mk XIIBusiness, Economics, and Finance. Aux2batt Eclipse setup, reached 31k in ISA recently. Eventually replace the aux bats with Reactive Armor Catalysts (a sizable HoT consumable) by playing the mission Broken Circle and choosing Reactive Armor Catalyst reward and then craft in Eng R&D. 3. 5%. Devices: Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator, 3x diverse Distress calls and Beacons Universal Consoles Slots (1): Vulnerability Locator Engineering Console Slots (5): Plasmonic Leech, 4x Kelvin Consoles (Alternate Timeline Set) Science Console Slots (2): 2x Plasma Generating Weapon Signature Amplifier10 votes, 30 comments. Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies. N/A. Engineering consoles: 2x Neutronium, and Aero Shuttle console (or for the the Ablative console or a differnt one to help min/max the build). Subspace Field Modulator from the "Skirmish" mission. Subspace Field Modulator from the "Skirmish" mission. . By detecting subspace field fluctuations within the Borg cube, Geordi La Forge was able to determine the cube was regenerating and restoring its power. Technician (Very Rare) (Space) Recharge time on bridge officer abilities reduced. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I'd like advice on what gear would be best swapped (I don't think I need 3. However, with the molecular reconstruction set to offense, I believe the following mostly. Booster Modulator. Devices: Subspace Field Modulator Engineering Consoles: (rare) 3 RCS Accelerator Mk XI Saucer Separation Science Consoles: (rare) Particle Generator Mk X (rare) Biofunction Monitor Mk X (rare) Emitter Array Mk XI Tactical Consoles: (rare) 2 Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XIThese consoles affect a particular type of energy or kinetic damage. Recently picked up the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier and wanted to go with a tanking build for it, considering its high hull and decent shield modifiers. Chained aux and weapon bats for leveling. Put the Chronometric Capacitor (from the mission Time and Tide) in a tactical slot. Replace Console - Engineering - Trellium-D. This setup has gone through many iterations since I bought the ship, and I still tweak things here and there. Subspace Field Modulator Rare Hull Patch N/A Engineering Console: Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech infin Epic Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XII [+Turn] Ultra Rare Console - Engineering - Trellium-D Plating Mk XIV Very Rare. Plus splash healing Miraculous Repairs is hysterical. It is very science/temporal heavy. unless you are confident in your ability to fly under duals i recommend. Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core Very Rare Shield Array. I'll address your question about shields, deflectors, etc. Row. CryptoHave at least one stack of Weapon and Auxiliary bats and the Subspace Field Modulator from 'Skirmish'. Conn Officer (Very Rare) (Space) Reduce recharge time for Attack Pattern Beta, Delta and Omega. Temporal Paladin free pack build. Mk XV Epic Console - Universal - Hull Image Refractors Mk XV Epic great combo with energy refrequencer. If you have access to the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array, use it insead of one front-mounted Phaser Beam Array. I am looking to get the most damage for my bucks with this build, and while some of the top tier items, traits and skills will be out of my price range I'd nevertheless appreciate any. tyderian. [Subspace Field Modulator] [Covariant Shield Array Mk <> [Cap]x2] [Regenerative Shield Array Mk <> [Reg]x2] [Phase-Shifted Personal Shield Mk <>] [Current Lock Box] Is the Subspace Field Modulator gone for new toons? One of the basic devices that I use in almost every build is the Subspace Field Modulator that was a reward in the "Episode" Skirmish. I even started a new game and got to 15% and I haven't found it in that save. Timeline Stabilizer Coming out with the Krenim science vessel this one is good for smoothing out cooldowns and providing a firing cycle haste increase. 3. I parsed the combatlog on an ISA, got 17k. Common Sources of Proton Damage. What goes in under “Variable” again? Many things can go under “variable”. O. That's certainly a good concern, but the total drain on your system would be 5 beams and a KCB. It should be viable for pugs (so not completely glass cannon), as well as putting out enough DPS that I'm not a hinderence when I get to 60 and start working on elites. [Nimbus Pirate Distress Call] (from “Installation 18”)Build Description. Systems Engineer (Very Rare) (Space) Reduces Weapon Subsystem Energy Drain while using Directed Enery Modulation. Power System consoles. These consoles affect weapons of any damage type, but only affect a certain class of weapons such as beams, cannons, torpedoes or mines, and provide a. Subspace Field Modulator Device - Reactive Armor Catalyst Consumable - Battery - Exotic Particle Flood. O. Spaceport Module: Subspace Inhibitor. 5 sec. A subspace field was an enveloping projected-subspace phenomenon which could be produced by warp-powered starships and other technology designed to distort space. Besides that it can. Subspace Field Modulator 5 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Hull Image Refractors Epic Console - Universal - Hydrodynamics Compensator Mk XII Very Rare Console - Universal - Assimilated Module Mk XV Ultra Rare. Business, Economics, and Finance. Remember, you don't need one but three Technicians. The following do exotic damage, italicized ones don't crit right now. Add the Temporal Disentanglement Suite, Ordnance Accelerator, Assimilated Module, and Zero Point Energy Conduit. 120k+ in a good 3/2 run with no lag with no Recluses. If you have access to the Temporal Negotiator from previous Temporal Recruit events, use it instead of the Subspace Field Modulator. A Purple Projectile Weapons Officer has a 20% chance to reduce this recharge by 5 seconds whenever a torpedo is fired. You'll end up with less overall photon damage, but you're likely losing more overall damage by replacing a Dis console (especially if you remove the. For damage in Ground combat, see Damage type (ground) There are three major damage categories in Star Trek Online : Energy. If you've got feedback, I'm all ears!Shields | Adapted MACO Covariant Shield Array Mk XII | Hate this shield, but it's needed for the 2-piece Devices | Subspace Field Modulator | | Red Matter Capacitor | Engineering Console | Singularity Stabilizer | T'varo console -- Re-enables Singularity power meter, gain 2 Singularity power every second for 15 sec Science Console | Plasma. Getting a DOff which extends Battery preformance is nice but not required. Build Description. Auxiliary Battery; Shields Battery; Subspace Field Modulator from the "Skirmish" mission. It is set during the Klingon War arc for the Federation players, and after the faction-specific storylines for the Klingon and Romulan players. Subspace Field Modulator is a story mission reward. Deuterium Surplus is a consumable Evasive Maneuvers device available from the Alhena system daily mission. +6. Subspace Field Modulator ----- ----- ----- Engineering Consoles: 4 Plasmonic Leech Quantum Phase Converter MK XV. O. While Strategist is pretty set in stone due to built in Aux2bat (clarification edit: im talking about the aux2bat like reset which is provided by strategists "Atrition Warfare"), Crit and heals im not sure about the primary spec. The [Subspace Field Modulator] is a rare re-usable Ship Device which temporarily increases the player's damage resistance rating (DRM) against. Replace one of the Energy Weapon Officers with one of the following: Fabrication Engineer (Reverse Shield Polarity duration extension variant). If you have access to the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array, use it insead of one front-mounted Phaser Beam Array. Resist-Spec -- Replace all engineering consoles with Neutronium Armor x4 BOFFS: CommanderTac: TT1, CSV1, HYT3, AP-Beta3 or AP-Omega3 Mission “Skirmish” - [Subspace Field Modulator] (space combat buff trinket) Mission “What Lies Beneath” - [Triolic Pattern Enhancer] (ground combat shield "totem") Romulan: Mission “The Helix” - [Suliban Cell Ship Personal Comm Code] (calls a freighter that gives you access to bank/exchange/store while in system space) I'd drop the Subspace Field Modulator (and maybe even the Red Matter Capacitor) for Exotic Particle Flood and Kinetic Amplifier Batteries. This article is about damage in Space combat. This works with the other parts to make a 3 piece set which gives you a clicky to buff exotic damage. 5% Bonus Torpedo Damage / +33% Destructible Torpedo Flight Speed. Things get sucked in from far away and then tick away rapidly once inside. Subspace Field Modulator Red Matter Capacitor Battery - Exotic Particle Flood 2 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Plasma Storm Module Console - Universal - Auxiliary Ejection Assembly 4 Science Consoles. If you got some major resources then you'd want the Dynamic Power Redistributor Module and. 5% of your outgoing damage as a Hull heal to you (Triggers up to 5 times per second) While this starship trait is slotted you will gain a stack of Calm every few seconds while in combat. Subspace Field Modulator Temporal Negociator Batteries 4 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - D. Has hit >100k in nearly every run so far. Each second while in combat, if you did not take damage in the past second, you gain a damage bonus. Build Description. 35% chance: Recharge time reduced by 30%. The hardest part is the first fight. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Business, Economics, and Finance. Self: +26. CryptoPersonally, I would swap RIF to the Sustained Radiant Field (SRF) if its not avalible. 2 Starship Shield System (Improves Shield Hit Points) " 2Set 3: Proton Energy Matrix | | "Self: Reduces cooldown time on Dyson Science Destroyer console powers by 30 seconds. 2 copies of Tact Team is redundant. Subspace Field Modulator Rare Reactive Armor Catalyst N/A Engineering Console: Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech infin Epic Console - Universal - Constriction Anchor Epic Console - Universal - Sustained Radiant Field Mk XIII Ultra Rare. Bioneural Infusion Circuits That's unlikely to ever happen, lobi stuff is out of my reach. I was wondering if some of the old missions reward gear is still usefull for anything. On activation of Beam ability to self: +2% All Beam Damage Bonus for 30 sec (Stacks up to 3 times) Context is for Kings. ". Solanae Resilient Shield Array from the Solanae Dyson Sphere mission "A Step Between Stars" Devices. Subspace Field Modulator Battery - Exotic Particle Flood ----- ----- ----- Engineering Consoles: 3 Aero Shuttle Bay I kinda like the shuttle, but I'm open to a different console VR Assimilated Module Mk XV. Replace Polymorphic Probe Array with Sustained Radiant Field. Engineering: Aceton Beam and Eject Warp Plasma both are boosted by PrtG, but I'm not certain their considered Exotic. My character is a Fed Engineer I do know that other energy types are desirable and have more to offer, but I see value in phasers especially when playing with a team. Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies. Subspace Field Modulator Battery - Energy Amplifier Reactive Armor Catalyst 4 Engineering Consoles Altamid Modified Swarm Processor Mk XV Very Rare Console - Universal - Point Defense Bombardment Warhead Epic. Replace one aft-mounted Phaser Beam Array with a crafted Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array. Beyond that, 4. Another good device is the Subspace Field Modulator from mission Skirmish, a decent 'oh shit' button. 2 Protection against energy damage 2. Keep the Field Exciter and, if you are in a fleet, the last 2 consoles can be Exotic Particle Focuser (CtrlX / EPG ones). This allows them to operate an empire-wide wormhole network for automated subspace defense. Required Spaceport Level: 1 The classic, well-known subspace snare aura, fitted on your Spaceport. Hello again, stobuilds. DUTY OFFICERS. The only thing the subspace field modulator does is give a 34 Energy damage resistance buff, a -400 Proton damage resistance buff (irrelevant, no npcs use proton damage), and. Replace the science ability Tyken's Rift II with Subspace Vortex III from the Xindi-Terrestrial Lock Box. 9 Physical Damage Resistance Rating. Drop the large weapons bat and RMC. My devices are subspace field modulator, red matter capacitor, the temporal negotiator, and scorpion fighters. For this build, I was aiming to take the Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser, the scaling ship that was recently introduced via the Discovery Starter Pack (not the Lobi version) and see if I could make it viable for Advanced, End Game content. We can give you build advice over in r/stobuilds, that will help. All the rest either have charges or are consumed on use or are just cosmetic going by the wiki. Two would be better. Breen Space Set (Cold Call, Cold Case, Cold Storage) 5. Torpboats rely on 2 or 3 PWOs to guarantee that this happens. 2x Embassy Science Consoles Shield Emitter [+EM][+PLA][-Threat] MK XI Tactical Consoles. Subspace Field Modulator Rare Scorpion Fighters Mk Rare Engineering Console: Console - Universal - Heavy Phaser Assault Platform Epic Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech infin Epic Console - Universal - Timeline Stabilizer Epic Console - Universal - Quantum Phase Converter Mk XII. ReplyThere are story rewards which offer 10% resistance to all energy types Devices | Weapons Battery | Always useful | Subspace Field Modulator | Reward from Skirmish, res + def, with only Proton weakness as a downside (it's not a real downside) | Nimbus Pirate Distress Call | Does not need to be slotted, calls friendly Orions and other lovely. ENGINEERING CONSOLES: Plasma Storm Module Neutronic Eddy Genetator Auxiliary Ejection Assembly. It boosts your weapon and power levels by +3, a 17. On use of Eng BOFF ability, dodge 20% of incoming damage for 3 sec. --MatthewM 22:00, 19 October. 1. It takes too much time to get it’s bonus. Epic Dynamic Power Redistributor Module Epic Point Defense Bombardment Warhead Epic Reinforced Armaments. It causes EPTE to reset the cooldown on Evasive Manuevers completely or almost completely. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. | 5 | Engineering. 5% Bonus Exotic Damage. There's some stuff I'll have to move on just as fast as possible (giving him actual sets for DEWS components instead of relying on fleet gear, for instance). Engineering Consoles RCS Accelerator Mk XII(VR) RCS Accelerator Mk XII(VR) Neutronium Alloy Mk XII(VR) Zero-Point Energy Conduit Mk XII(VR) Kael's Advanced Light Cruiser Bundle builds. In your case though, the Kobyashi Transponder would be an upgrade to the Subspace Field Modulator. If you got one of those. If you have trouble staying alive, the. the Legendary Crossfield, the passives are really good (the clicky is bad so don't bother with it) and replace Polaric Modulator. 7) = 31. Other choices include assimilated module, sustained radiant field (especially when using the associated beam array), possibly the crafted enhanced rcs accelerator, and zero point energy conduit. Type. Aux Power Config - Defense. (both are in your device slots. Subspace Field Modulator - (Skirmish Mission Reward) Aux Batteries x 13 Engineering Consoles. I would suggest you replace it with the unique console you get, and pick up the science console from Butterfly to fill the gap. When the mission is shared with me, the mission window does state - "You are ineligible for this mission. RF Modulators. S. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 5% All Damage & Accuracy Rating - Based on Aux Power. O. Valuable for the 15% Intel CDR. The AI will use all the features of the addon. PSA: Free T6-X token in the Promotions tab [PC] Thomas Marrone: "Some more screenshots of the Protostar as revealed on @trekonlinegame ’s stream this afternoon! Model and material by Tobias Richter, with additional work by Mauricio Tejerina and myself. [Subspace Field Modulator] [Covariant Shield Array Mk <> [Cap]x2] [Regenerative Shield Array Mk <> [Reg]x2] [Phase-Shifted Personal Shield Mk <>]. The Defiant-class starship was a heavily-armed, limited-role Starfleet vessel, a warship, the first Starfleet ever truly designed. High pass, low pass,. Subspace Field Modulator (a decent 'oh shit' button) from mission Skirmish. Shields | Quantum Phase Resilient Shields | Quantum Phase Applications 3/3 Devices | Red Matter Capacitor | It's Happy Red Matter Ball! | Subspace Field Modulator | Because I don't have an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator. It shouldn't be used when fighting Tholians, but is useful everywhere else. As for tanking, there's many things contributing to this facet of the build with traits (such as Ablative Shell, Biotech Patch, Active Hull Hardening), Consoles (Sustained Radiant Field, Regenerative Integrity Field, Embassy Threat Consoles), Bridge Officer abilities (Reverse Shield Polarity, Engineering Team, Tachyon Beam, Hazard Emitters. Current Bonuses with 130 Aux Pwr. Install a Subspace Field Modulator too if you have one. I want to run him through the first couple of missions in the "Spectres" story arc, the one with the Devidians, in order to get the Subspace Field Modulator ship device. Console - Engineering - RCS. Role: Low to mid DPS, Agro-Tank, minor Crowd Control Description: Hits reasonable well, can peel and hold agro off of high DPSers, can do a reasonable tank, easy to heal, and is halfway maneuverable. Spaceport Module: Subspace Field Modulator (Allied) A combination of the military station-mounted shield regeneration aura and nanobot cloud, this powerful subspace field will heal up your fleets in no time. Depends on the ship, really. As those are winding down, use Chronotachyon Capacitor and the Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. Combining my cheapness together, I decided to make a temporal soldier who's job involves a lot of mirror universe infiltration and or / counter incursion. Subspace Field Modulator 5 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Saucer Separation Enhanced Eng Sys set 1/2 Console - Universal - Molecular Cohesion Nullifier Enhanced Eng Sys set 2/2 Console -. It was developed in response to the Borg threat as originally encountered in 2365. The above are the real bread and butter of STO space devices. Last device to taste though I'd probably just run the Subspace Field Modulator. numpad0+numpad4 “+TrayExecByTray 0 5 $$ +TrayExecByTray 1 9 $$ +TrayExecByTray 0 5” Hull Repair Press “5” on the numpad to activate HE2 and ET1. O. You only need the beam overload for this doff proc. They have weak shields, and they'll drain your shields. N/A. . Note that this aura generates zero graphical indicators, like the ship/stations ones do. Engineering Consoles: Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] Constriction Anchor 25. | Red Matter Capacitor | A bit of extra power. There are hundreds of abilities in this game, and a fair number (at least half) can be set to auto execute. You will also get a boost to Proton damage from the Dyson universal console. However, the Daeinos was a favorite iconic-looking Republic warbird that I liked going back to from time to time. Devices: Engine Battery / Subspace Field Modulator / Auxiliary Battery / Shields Battery; Engineering consoles: 3 Neutronium Alloy Mk XI / Assimilated Module ("Borg Console") Science consoles: Emitter Array Mk XI / 2 Field Generator Mk XI; Tactical consoles: 2 Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI;There are much better shields on the market, but the two other set-slots have been taken. Auxiliary Power to the Structural Integrity Field I Emergency Power to Weapons II Officer 5: Lt. Subspace Field Modulator Kobayashi Maru Transponder 1 pet Deuterium Surplus. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. RMC doesn't really give much on a torp build and you'll already have aux at 130 anyway. The. C. +26 All Dmg Resist / +6. Note that under Devices for the Subspace Field Modulator, Voth do Antiproton damage, not Protonic damage. Other good devices are Deuterium Surplus (Alhena system daily) and Reactive Armor Catalysts (mission Broken Circle then crafted in eng R&D). Row 3 (Lt Tac): 1 FAW1, 2 APD1. Report to Admiral Quinn on Earth Spacedock Go To Earth Spacedock There are no accolades specific to this mission. On use of Eng BOFF ability, dodge 20% of incoming damage for 3 sec. 3 boost to EPS, 13% Proton weapon damage. Or perhaps a burst-heal console like Reiterative Structural Capacitor / Regenerative Integrity Field / Protomatter Field Projector. I know it's not the best ship for extremely high dps but it's definitely my favorite so I want to…Here's some thoughts for you, in order: 180* arc is useful in my opinion and I didn't want a weapon power drain of 7 beams + a KCB. Subspace Field Modulator 5 Engineering Consoles Console - Universal - Hull Image Refractors Epic Console - Universal - Hydrodynamics Compensator Mk XII Very Rare Console - Universal - Assimilated Module Mk XV Ultra Rare. The military station will be operated by the SDA, and thus has a. The Borg missions are meant to be a bit of a spike, yes, but they're totally surmountable. Barragan, Advanced Obelisk Fit #1. Engineering Consoles. Subspace Field Modulator Battery - Energy Amplifier ----- ----- ----- Engineering Consoles: 5 Bioneural Infusion Circuits Mk XV Critical severity and hull capacity. Icon. Resist-Spec -- Replace all engineering consoles with Neutronium Armor x4 BOFFS: CommanderTac: TT1, CSV1, HYT3, AP-Beta3 or AP. In eng consoles drop the Polaric Modulator and. This provides a 30% CD reduction on use of hull healing BOff abilities, which comes out to: T[1 - (sum. Business, Economics, and Finance. I. Since they've seriously buffed tachyon beam a while ago you shileds WILL drop regardless of your build. It has quite a unique bridge officer layout being one the original ships to. I. However, the Maru also gives you up to 10% Bonus Damage, 10% Hull, 20% max Shields, and 20% turn rate. I appreciate the replies.